Health: Monday Morning Checkin Previous Next



162 lb
42 bpm
7.5 hrs


First you can see weight is way up. I ate like a pig last night, 3 beers, oreos, chips. It will probably be gone in a couple of days, if not get back on the horse and watch the diet.

Second I don't feel super rested, probably due to all the beer. The legs however feel fabulous. We'll see what happens when I run at lunch.

Most importantly, Tuesday I get to race a mile! Keep smiling, enjoy it. I don't think I have the current fitness to PR but that's a fun race full of fast people. I can either go out hard and try and hold on or just run my own race and try to pass people on the back half. Either way is worthwhile. After that 4x400 with my family! Super awesome. For today the only goal is to run short, slow and do strides for muscle tension.

The bathroom window installation is going to take time.... which is too bad. Oh well, hopefully I can still run with Piper tonight.
