Health: Journal: Planning Previous Next



173.8 lb
9 hrs


first off: losing weight slowly 👍 I like moving in the right direction. Less alcohol would make this faster.

Second sleep has been fantastic lately. My run today the legs felt snappy and lively! Workout either tomorrow or Wednesday.

So far I'm not sick (fingers crossed) despite adam having covid.

A bit more planning for Oct 2 TC Marathon!!

Goal is a 2Q structure + lots of strides and lots of crosstraining. Build the volume, race the Triathlon, recover, rebuild and start peeling off crosstraining for more running.

Recovery weeks: can be just before or just after races. Play it by ear. 2 recovery weeks in a month is fine if needed. One of the long runs should be LSD, the other one should be 15-30 minutes shorter than normal with an easier workout (i.e. in Jan when they're 90/90 then it would be 90 LSD + 75 w/ 4x5min T)

Lifting guidelines: Choose a main lift: Deadlift, Squat, Power clean, barbell hip thrust alternate through them, add a push & pull. Raw strength is less important than just getting heavy but not messing with running. Peak time, swap to more plyometric stuff, box jump, lunge jumps, squat jumps, broad jumps, jump rope etc.

Run Workouts: When in doubt. KISS!! 20 min LT. 40 min at LT + :20/mi or a progression. Mixed pace stuff is also good, especially tempo stuff followed by either short hills or something simple like 4x:30on/minute off. VO2, Crit Velocity can be done but is not the bread and butter this year. MP stuff also is not bread and butter until after the Triathlon season. WHEN IN DOUBT, DO THE EASIER WORKOUT.

January: Build month -- Goal by end: 7 hr running as 2 hour LSD (optional fast finish), 90 min workout, 4x50-55min. Do strides and/or hill sprints.

2 hr cycle

1 hr swim

lifting x2

February: Hold volume, do workouts:

RACE: Freezefest 5k

Run: 2 hour long run w/ quality (progression, end near T or MP, at least FFLR last 20 min moderate), 90 min workout, 4x50min, strides!

2 hour cycle w/ at least one "long" of 1 hour

1 hr swim

lift x2

March (Build #2 + half hour run, 1.5 cycle, .5 swim)

Run: 2hour w/ progression, 90 min workout, 4x60-65min, strides!

Cycle: 3.5 hour, at least one 2 hr long

Swim: 90 min

lift x2

April: Like March, but quality in long runs isn't optional. Be sure to do at least one "Brick" per week.

Race: 10k @ KEWASH

May: Triathlon Peak time!! 7-10 day taper.

Run: 2hour w/ progression, 90 min workout, 4x60-65min

Cycle: 3.5 hour, at least one 2 hr long

Swim: 90 min

lift x2

June (Recovery Month):

Week 1: Recovery, RACE PIGMAN sprint tri

Week 2 & 3: Recovery, no plan, just fun.

Week 4: @ January level: 7 hr run, 2 hr, 90 min, 4x50min, 2 hr cycle, 1 hr swim

Week 5: @ March level (no quality): 7.5 hr, 2hr, 90 min, 4x60min, 3.5 hr cycle, 1 hr swim.

July: Build #3: Increase Run, decrease xtrain!

Run: 2x2hr w/ Quality, not just progression though that's an option for one of them. 4x60min + strides = 8 hr. OPTIONAL: Doubles @ 20 min on easy days

one workout each week should focus on stuff between 95-105% of GMP.

Cycle: 1 hr

Swim: 1hr

Lift: x2

August: Build #4, long long run.

Run: 2.5 hour w/ fast finish or progression (work on eating!!). 2 hour w/ Quality, one workout each week should focus on stuff between 95-105% of GMP. 4x60min, strides

OPTIONAL: Doubles @30 min on easy days

Swim: hour

lift x2

Cycle: optional

September: PEAK!!

Run: 2x2.5 hour runs w/ quality. 4x60min easy runs, strides = 9 hours.

OPTIONAL: Doubles @ 40 min on easy days

Recovery swims: optional

Lift: 2x Plyometrics.

start 10 day taper!

October 2: RACE
