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6:30 PM

7.3 mi


6:36 mi


72 F


8 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map

Three Creeks


Spring Thursday Night Trail Races #6

Goals (cascading)

A) Win

B) Beat last fall's time by 2 min

C) Don't Fall Apart

The usual crowd was present, plus notably 1 young and lanky kid wearing Mizzou. No one was eager to be at the start of the corral so I accepted my position there. I got us off nice and easy and no one complained, 1st mile through the prairie in 6:20. Much different than last year when I was 6:03 and trailing the leader by a bit. Micheal had made his way beside me a 1/2 mile in and picked up the pace slightly. I let him take the lead as I was unsure of the first turn (the race organizers gave a confusing direction). Sure enough, Micheal took the wrong turn and I was able to make the right one well enough with just 2 guys from behind getting ahead of me.

I got a little antsy on the downhill and was too eager trying to pass into 2nd. I settled behind Oliver for the long uphill. I wasn't feeling great but also not close to being dropped. On the final part of the hill, Oliver slowed and I pounced. Soon it was just Micheal and I with no one in sight. We had a stretch on a gravel road and Micheal ran up beside me. I could tell his pace was just a bit more than I felt comfortable with. But we were coming up on the trails again and I knew a long rocky downhill was coming up. So I pushed for the lead and took the downhill hard. Not as crazy hard as last year when I got in over my head and twisted my ankle, but still enough to get 10sec or so on Micheal.

Unfortunately, once at the bottom, I wasn't feeling particularly strong, and my stomach wasn't feeling great. Micheal caught up with me and I lead us through the creeks and back uphill. I'm not really sure when he passed me but I lost 10+ seconds to him in the next mile on the prairie. Back on the trails, I tried to be efficient and use my trail skills. I did gain on Micheal on the last long downhill and thought I could keep catching through the creeks. Then I slipped coming out of the 2nd creek and my right calf nearly cramped up. I regained composure and ran strong after that, but I never saw 1st place again. I had cracked but didn't break and my final hill felt surprisingly good.

2nd Place, 48:05 - ~1.5min faster than last fall in slightly worse conditions.

Goal A and B were failures, though 2min fast than last year was probably a bit aggressive. Still, I was a nearly 90sec faster than last fall even though the first 2 miles were slower this spring. I'll say I accomplished Goal C and didn't completely fall apart, though it did feel like it at times. I wonder how recovered from last week I was. 2 all-out races with just a week apart may be too much for me these days. Which doesn't get me wanting to try the whole series in the future.



Nice work. How many people are at these races?


About 50