Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 AM

13 mi


6:30 mi


60 F


6 / 10
7 / 10
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I've been looking forward to doing this workout for a while now. I didn't plan on over 2 weeks since my last tempo but circumstances (tired legs from long runs and trips) pushed it back. Then I figured I would wait until we would stay in Ames again so I could do this on the XC course. And then when I saw the superb weather forecast for this morning I knew the time was ideal.

Plan was 3x3mi tempo cut-down (~6:10's, ~6:00's, ~5:50's). Rest was 3-4 minutes which I actually walked as I didn't feel like hitting 15 miles for the day.

1) 18:41:

6:11: Starting off perfect, other than I stopped for a bathroom break 1/2 a mile in...

6:13: Feeling good

6:17: Not sure when I slowed down but ok

2) 17:46

5:54: Whoa, didn't realize I was going this fast, time to slow down...

5:53: Never mind about the slowing down, and all I thought was, "Crap, I'm going to have to go even faster for my final 3 miles

5:55: Still feeling quite good though

3) 17:06

5:42: Good start, definitely needed to focus on striding out just a little more

5:44: The miles are still going by fast, that's a good sign

5:41: Always good to have the final mile be your fastest, certainly could have done more

Faster than my goal pace, but maybe that's because I assumed running on grass would slow me down and needed to adjust my tempo pace. And while this isn't a flat course, it is certainly high quality footing. Plus, I did all 9 miles barefoot as well, can't beat having 0 weight on your feet.
