Run: Easy Previous Next


11:00 AM

4.5 mi


7:47 mi


155 lb


15 F


2 / 10
2 / 10
  • Map



WARNING: TMI (poop stuff)

The plan was a workout. While finding and measuring a possible stretch free of snow (snowed all Sunday, but apparently everyone shoveled, then allowed another inch), I realized I should head to the gas station bathroom a 1/2 mile away. I guess that was too far for my inpatient bowels. I came to a walk and still failed to make it in time.

I got to the bathroom and good lord it was too much. After wiping for 10min, I decided it would be quicker to run 2 miles home and clean myself than stay where I was and go through an entire large roll of TP. It really wasn't uncomfortable running home, but I still nixed the workout as well as any more running after showering.

Not sure I've ever just given up and headed home after a failed bathroom clean-up. Not really sure why I wrote all this for public knowledge ;) I'm just hoping it was a one-time thing as I've been feeling very good about my stomach and running pit stops this winter. My only guess is that I did eat a lot a lot this weekend, especially sweets, and then maybe not running on Sunday meant not loosening things up and everything just saved until today. My only real question is half-tights: did the help or make things worse?


Maggie P

This was fantastic to read.

Thank you for sharing.


Glad someone could enjoy this run. And why are you up at 3:50AM?

Maggie P

For some reason all of my time zones are screwed up. I'm not sure why. Iv tried to fix it and don't know how to.

My commenting was happening at some much more normal hour.