Run: Fartlek - Previous Next


6:30 PM

9 mi


6:29 mi

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<No name>


Same treadmill workout (like exact same) as 5/4 with a slightly extended cool down. As on 5/4 the whole run was continuous. This is a big one and I'm definitely happy to repeat it. Would be nice if it didn't knock me on my a** for the next few days. But with the semester winding down it's already starting to feel like there's that little bit of extra time in the day... and that really does make all the difference. The details:

2 mile w/u

4 x (1min on, 2 min off) @ 5:39/5:36/5:33/5:30 +

6 x (90s on, 90s off) @ 5:27/5:24/5:21/5:18/5:15/5:10 +

4 minutes @ 5:07

All "off" reps at 6:40.
