Run: Easy Previous Next


5:04 AM

7.3 mi


8:33 mi


52 F


Temp 52 Wind 3 mph. Humidity 100% Dew Point 52 degrees. Fog in spots.

Can't remember last day it was this nice. At least 90-120 days ago. Crystal clear morning to start. Moon almost full. Ideal weather. Legs fresh after yesterday's recovery run. Clicking along from first step.

Jogged to the track for full drill set, doubling up on each. Mixed in slow acceleration striders every couple of laps, topping around 3K effort. Immediately out the gate, then on down to the park and hill repeat start point. Arrived in 51:52. 6.04 miles total. Took a few minutes for some static stretches.

Down: After a few more static stretches, 1.23 mile jog home in 10:14. Pumped that three weeks of living in a hotel are over. Pumped to be sleeping in my own bed. Pumped to be running on my own streets.
