Run: Easy Previous Next


5:51 AM

8.8 mi


7:17 mi


66 F


Temp 66 Wind 12 mph. Humidity 95% Dew Point 64°.

20/24/20 Aerobic Run. Suppose to be a XC day, but overnight rain changes that. Switch to hills. Expecting to be out a little later this morning, but break in showers leave a window. Warm, muggy, some wind, and even had some light rain at times. Physically and mentally pumped to do this specific workout this morning.

20:00 minutes at 7:50 average pace with two late surges. One basically a hill repeat.

24:00 minutes at 6:45 average pace. Ran the hills of The Orchards, then hopped on Oak Street late and ended up at the top of the hill at Farmington Road. With hills and muggy conditions, did not worry about segment splits. Primary focus on stride mechanics, and controlling / spreading effort over full 24:00. Felt strong and final number shows that to be a fact.

20:00 minutes at 7:27 average pace. Felt about 0:30 seconds slower. In a good groove; must have a case of glad-to-be-homeitis. Pouring rain again as I type. One dime today.
