Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:19 AM

4.5 mi


7:21 mi


74 F
  • Map


Temp 74 Winds Calm. Humidity 88% Dew Point 70°.

AT Tempo Intervals. Another muggy mid-summer morning. Oddly, its not impacting my workouts the way it has for last couple of years? Muscle fatigue lingering from Sunday, but still sharp and efficient. Had mulled over a 2 x 10:00 or 2 x 12:00 format, but thinking now that if I shorten the intervals to 3 x 9:00 to off-set sloppiness from fatigue, I can use the sharpness to extend total AT time. Also, running on track, so physical pounding less stressful.

Warm-Up -- Jog to track at 8:36 average pace. Walk the turns and stride the straights for one lap to prime.

Workout -- 9:00 minutes at 7:09 average pace / Jog 3:00 / 9:00 minutes at 7:13 average pace / Jog 3:00 / 9:00 minutes at 7:13 average pace. Overall 33:00 minutes at a 7:21 average...that'll work. Pace difference on first interval primarily due to starting on straight and rolling from get-go. Last two started heading into turn and took longer to get settled in at cruising altitude.

Cool-Down -- Jog back to the house at 8:43 average pace.
