Run: Easy Previous Next


8:28 AM

2.8 mi


8:44 mi


31 F
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Temp 31 (WC 24) Wind 7 mph.

Twenty-minute Tune Up w/ 4 striders. Moving at recovered pace. Striders stiff and never hit glide. First three topped at 5:05ish-5:15ish. Last one peaked at 4:36. Bit of a decline.

Lower right leg and outside of foot started feeling funky yesterday afternoon. Carried over some into this morning. Achy, numb sensations. Worse when sitting. Thinking its just my back out of whack from spending 90% of the week on my ass at work.

Tomorrow's race has more of an "exhibition run" feeling. With other races this weekend, not expecting big turnout. SplitMaster crew, some Ghisallo guys, and maybe some of Billy & Roy's HS buddies. Maybe the few and the freakin' fast. 19:00 flat may get you last place. Plan is still to get out and see what I have going on after a mile. If its working go for it, if not, try to hold serve in mid-18s.
