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7:03 AM

5 km


5:56 mi


159 lb


77 F

Race Result

2 / 4 (50%)


Temp 77 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 84% Dew Point 68 degrees.

Disappointingly small field. Couple faster folks out with minor injuries. Billy L. nursing a ding, but running to pace. No Schmiz or Joe W. Leaves master's field to myself, Hammer, A-Wad, and Shannon A. Others of note, a few HS CC and track runners. Collegiate runner Travis M. Mugger of a morning. Nearly 80 degrees at 7:00 am. Humidity and dew point not friendly. Will shave several seconds off everyone's times.

Know that Brandon and Travis plan to help Hammer pace for run at sub-17. Take place in line behind them. We go and I'm comfortable from the first couple of steps. Roy L. breaks out. Hammer's pack in behind him. Adam R. and other HS kid following close. Know Adam R. will come back to me, but don't know the other kid. Mid-way between first and second turn, feel we're moving quick. I'm a little close to the front pack, but man my legs feel strong. Second turn is just past 400 meters into race. First HS kid falls before we get to 500. North to next turn and Adam R. falls just shy of 800 meters. Front pack has established themselves, and I'm running 5th now.

Approach the "S" curve at about the 1K point. Hey, where is A-Wad? He is usually shoulder to shoulder with me right about now. I've got a "plan" for him today to blow him up and he's not cooperating. Through the "S" curve and up a small climb. I hear him now grunting, stomping and spitting. He's close, but not right on my heels. Expect Hammer's crew to hit the first mile split about 20-30 seconds ahead of me. Looks about right, and I can hear D'bert on the PA calling out mile splits for the spectators. Hear mine at 5:53. Tie for fastest ever in 5K, and I was in a lot worse shape when I did that one. We're cool today. Missed A-Wad's exact split, but he's further back than I thought.

Second mile is mental. Focus, try to run efficient, and run in control. Just like I've been practicing. Back of my mind, I'm hoping A-Wad trys to pull up even. He always runs his second mile the slowest and if I can get him to spend himself here, he'll have nothing for mile three. Former 10K national champ for a reason, he doesn't commit to my race and continues to run his. Check on Hammer's pack late in the second mile. I'm only slightly further back from him than where I was on New Year's Day. If he's on track for the 17:00 I'm in good shape. Garmin set to alert every 5:55. Ended up a little short at second mile split. Run a 6:02. Still, solid effort and systems holding it together...I'm in total control.

Turn north off Linn onto Campanella. One mile to go. Peak over shoulder at A-Wad. He's back maybe 15 seconds. Here it is. I did a 6:07 mile one hour into my LR last Sunday just to practice for this situation. If I can go 6:10, he's going to have to drop a sub-6 to beat me. Look up and see Hammer has sent his pacers on. I'm about the same distance back, but If he's going to be 17:15 to 17:30, I may need to pick it up. Go to work. Stride is still strong and actually gets out ahead of me a couple of times. All that "running in control" that Pete preaches starts to kick in now. Don't slow down, keep the same effort, just get in control. Cardio is on the edge, but holding. I must have hydrated like a pro today, mouth is not even dry.

Next to last turn is about 2.8 miles into race. A runner can get a plain side-on view of the runner ahead of him before he makes the turn himself. Schmiz told me after last race on this course that he thought of trying to run me down until he got a good look at how fast I was moving after that turn. I want to give A-Wad that same visual today. Make the turn and surge. Able to keep it up about 0.10 mile. Slow slightly approaching last turn. Make it and see Hammer approaching finish. Don't hear A-Wad behind me. Clock comes into focus and has not turned over to 18:00 yet. That was what I needed to see. Empty the tank to finish with a 0:13 second PR of 18:24.

Just happy with my time and not thinking about splits until talking to A-Wad after race. Said he thought I was about 15-20 seconds ahead of him at two mile split. Told him my plan to make him run a sub-6 third mile to beat me. He says he thought he DID run a sub-6 third mile? What? I go clicking the Garmin. Crap, I ran a 5:56 third mile. Thanks Pete!!

Roy L. wins OA. Brandon & Travis in 2nd & 3rd spots. Not sure who was what, but both under 17. Hammer 4th OA and wins the master's title by nearly a minute. Not the sub-17 he was looking for, but with the heat and humidity, not the type of day to allow him to run at level of conditioning he's currently in. His master's title hands me 1st in the 40-49 Division. A-Wad in 6th OA and 2nd AG.

Have fought, clawed, froze, sweated, and bled my way to the top of the mountain of the 45-49 Division. In two weeks, Hammer turns 45. Back to life in 2nd place. If this wasn't so much fun, it would be frustrating. Still, I'm not ready to become a whimpy golfer just yet.

Eight weeks into Carlsbad 5000 training program. A victory over a former 10K national champion. A PR on a day no one had any business running a PR. Thanks again, Pete!
