Run: Intervals Previous Next


8:00 AM

7 mi


6:44 mi


55 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 55 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 99%.

Strength Intervals. Solo this weekend at City Park. Long Saturday, Saturnight, and some Sunday to boot. Powder Mill at The Boat House and not in bed until after 1:00 a.m. Working on less than three hours sleep and a lot of adrenaline. Damp, dreary weather pattern continues. Fog, mist, drizzle or rain start to finish.

Up = 3.75 miles at 8:04 average pace. Quarter, dime, and a penny.

Pump Primer = 4 x 14 second hill repeats with 2:00 minute walk intervals. Full drill set and three striders. Another quarter which gives me a full roll for 2014.

Strength Intervals. 2 x 3.0 miles with 800 (0.50) jog intervals. Target would be getting pace to 6:20, but not seeing that happening (safely) this morning. Working on wet streets in and around park, so will have some rollers to navigate. Also having to dodge periodic squirrel stampedes this morning.

Start with 6:37 / 6:30 / 6:31. Most inclines in mile three. Strong cardio and form. About all the turnover I am going to be able to muster.

Second try 6:28 / 6:28 / 6:26. Mile two had more inclines. Cardio held fine. Form strong again. Just not a lot pop in tired legs and tired body. Regardless, these will work for what needed to get done.

Down = 1.95 miles at 8:53 average pace. Light, steady rain now. Good honest day's work.
