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8:03 AM

4.2 mi


7:40 mi


60 F


Temp 60 Wind 15 mph. Gusts to 20 mph.

Pacing Shannon A. at the 2011 Spring Classic. "A" goal is 22:30. Show up about an hour early to let RD know what I'm doing and make a donation to their cause. (Bandits annoy me.) Meet up with SA and run the middle section of course so I can re-familarize myself with the tangents. Drop him off and take another loop around the mall to get my work in. Taking the opportunity today to get in a run in my flats, so change shoes before hitting a few drills and a couple of striders. Total warm up of 2.84 miles in 26:09.

New course this year. They took the front quarter mile off, so now its ONLY 5K. Between 40-50 runners. We do our thing the first mile, but had to start tugging at the bottom of Blattner and through to first split. First mile spot on at 7:16 with 7:3X on the short climb, about 7:00 on the long downhill, and 7:22 on the flat. Lose him during second mile. Not happening today. 8:15 second mile split and the big climb did him no favors. Chellie J. passes us coming down the hill just past two-mile split as we head back and into the mall parking lot. Get her lined out on tangets for final mile (She wins OA female running 3.15 her 3.08 on my Garmin and translate 0.07 into seconds -- light bulb moment!!!) Working hard with SA last mile. Picks it up and runs an 8:01. He's into the finish chute with a 24:10 as I peel off.

Didn't stick around for official times and awards, but Joe W. wins OA in "just under 19:00." Told me he was doing a "tempo run". Paul S. second about "10 seconds behind". Schmiz third "just over 19". OA - JW. 40-44 (1) PS, (2) Brian J., and (3) ??. 45-49 (1) Schmiz, (2) Shannon, (3) ??.

Cool down lap around the mall with Schmiz. Coasting at MP. 1.10 miles in 7:56.
