Run: Recovery Previous Next


6:50 AM

5.2 mi


7:36 mi


64 F


Temp 64 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 82%.

Recovery Run. Good night's sleep and day starts with promise. Legs are squat-tired, but not squated-into-oblivion like originally feared. Jogged over and checked out the R2 5K course. Spot on accurate. Hilly as expected being in the middle of town. Worst ones (steep) in last half mile. Overall a fair course, but will be tough tactically to race. Much, much safer trafficwise than the Octoberfest course. Will do one; may still do both.

No clue where all this 7:3X "easy pace" stuff is coming from, but if it is for real, this fall's racing times could be very interesting.

Caught Paul F. walking the HS parking lot after his run looking for coins. He had two pennies. CBEM has started something. Chatted briefly. I nabbed an almost unreconizable quarter in the middle of the Route D / Farmington Rd intersection along with three dimes and two pennies here and there on the rest of the route.

Finished things off with 8 sets of various pull-ups and chins.
