Bike: Easy Previous Next


4:55 AM

4.3 mi


21.4 mi / hr

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<No name>


Temp 55 Wind 9 mph.

Full dynamic stretch out and balance exercises.

Planned to start with 20:00 minutes on the bike, but right knee keeps wanting to get stiff. Had some of this off and on yesterday. Given my recent track record of not correctly distinguishing between "discomfort" and "something is wrong" decide it is best to...just f*****g stop!

Out the door for today's primary activity. Hour walk. Down to City Park and back. 3.55 miles total. One penny. Symptom free about 10%-20% of the time. Nothing sharp and nothing remotely stressful. Saving something to allow for some afternoon mowing.

Static stretch out on return with general upper body lift. Not too heavy with the weights.

Some chick won the 6-Hour last week with 33.93 miles...F*** ME!!!!
