Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:25 AM

3.1 mi


6:34 mi


65 F
  • Map


Temp 65 Wind 5 mph.

Hour Continuous Run with Progressive Tempo. About a 30° bump in temperature from last run. Legs still have some weight from last weekend. Some general fatigue from a couple of days of "life" stuff. Still, head out with a good attitude towards this one.

SEGMENT: (Average Pace)

0:00 - 20:00: (7:51) 2.55 miles with a couple of surges.

20:00 - 25:00: (6:43)

25:00 - 30:00: (6:36) Flipped directions on the track.

30:00 - 35:00: (6:35)

35:00 - 40:00: (6:18) Total tempo = 3.05 miles @ 6:34. Almost got in a 5K.

40:00 - 60:00: (7:57) 2.51 miles.

Two more pennies for the D-A Cup. Needing to revise my workouts leading up to next race. In a different place than where I thought I'd be. Fit enough to hurt myself training. Lower body lift tonight. Hams and glutes still in recovery mode, will focus on the quads and hip flexors.

State Age Group Running Records upated 5/14/13. CBEM gets two more listings!
