Run: Easy Previous Next


4:37 AM

5.8 mi


9:37 mi


74 F


Temp 74 Wind 7 mph. Humidity 84% Dew Point 68 degrees.

Hour @ Easy Effort. Mentally anixous. Disappointed to find myself not physically sharp. Warm and humid again. Cool breeze, but could feel the weight of the air when calm.

Jog straight to the track. Moving about 9:3X. Double set of low-impact drills, taking time to go slow, deliberate, and work through full range of motion. (Tugged on average pace.) Mixed in four striders @ HM Effort. Lined them all up so I'd be facing the wind. Couple more track laps, then jogged straight home. Pace starting to progress now. Down to 8:59 for last 0.75. Not concerned about finishing a few minutes short.
