Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:49 AM

4.7 mi


7:31 mi


70 F
  • Map


Temp 70 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 85% Dew Point 66°.

Long Run with 35:00 Minute AT Track Tempo. Damp with deceptive humidity. Warm up with a jog to the track and some surges on the straights. Stomped through the first mile in 9:38 before starting to settle in.

Good cardio effort on the AT run. Flipped directions after eight laps. Some bumpy right turns. Decided to start taking them slower. Drug down my fourth mile split, but the re-set allowed me to finish much smoother. Splits of 7:43 / 7:39 / 7:21 / 7:27 / 4:50 (7:19). Overall average of 7:31.

Finished the morning with 50:00+ of jogging around town and coin collecting. Quarter, two nickels, and eight pennies. Would age-grade that to a "local class" performance considering its a Saturday morning with school back in session.
