Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:06 AM

4.4 mi


6:52 mi


43 F


Temp 43 (43) Wind 2 mph.

Tempo Run. Weather Channel says "dry conditions over next six hours". Wrong! Rained on me off and on several times. Still nice to get in a mid-Janurary workout in shorts. Warm-Up = 2.40 miles in 20:00. No surges. Figured that was basically the first two thirds of workout anyways.

Start with ten reps of "Tempo Minutes" on the track. First time doing this workout, so looking to dial in effort / pace and to work on smoothing out reps / intervals. Cover 2.88 miles in 20:00 minutes (6:56 pace). No break, just head out the gate and finish with a continuous 10:00 minutes at tempo effort through the rolling hills of West Lane and The Orchards. Cover another 1.49 miles (6:42 pace).

Cool-down of 2.41 miles in 20:08. Workout felt good physically and mentally.
