Run: Intervals Previous Next


6:21 AM

4.5 mi


6:25 mi


66 F


Temp 66 Winds Calm. Humidity 83% Dew Point 64°.

3 x 2000 @ 10K/5K with 400 Jog Intervals. Warmer this morning...good, need that. Humid...ditto. 20:00 plus minutes of jogging at 7:50ish average pace. Short drill set and couple of striders. Total Up = 2.94 miles. Honey-up and change shoes before workout.

First 2000 on rolling hills in and around City Park. Average Pace = 6:14. Second 2000 includes first mile of Homecomers 5K course, so two nasty hills on Oak Street. Average Pace = 6:09. Last 2000 back in and around City Park. Lost count of alerts and lost focus re-counting between 800 and 1600. Average Pace = 6:04. Overall, pretty good execution. There's my turn-up race for July / August competition.

Down = 2.09 miles at 7:34 average pace. Lots of folks out early today: Paul F., Chellie, Kevin W. Easy pickings without trying too hard day after ID festivities. Two dimes, two nickels, and seven pennies. Paul wanted to know the count when we passed :-).
