Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:00 AM

4.1 mi


7:36 mi


45 F


Temp 45 (37) Wind 24 mph.

AT Tempo. This should be interesting. Jog to the track, then take a lap to hit a couple of strides with a walk recovery around the turn. Not quite recovered from Sunday's squats.

Feeling like 30:00 at AT this morning. Start with three laps on the track to get settled in. My buck fifty ass is getting tossed around like a tumbleweed. Work on getting a feel for the necessary adjustments when turning and switching directions. Out the gate and over to The Orchards to finish in hills. Running great until gust blew my hat off at around 23:00 minutes. Had to stop and go back and get it. Was good after that, but never got back to great again. Checked Garmin at around 9:00 minutes and was averaging 7:36 pace. Stopped at the end and was averaging 7:36 pace. Think that's the way its done??

Cool down back to the house and its a day. So, let me try to understand this...lay around for 55+ years eating and drinking yourself into obesity and countless other sedentary lifestyle maladies, then one day you run, walk, or whatever it is you do, up a fucking hill and all of a sudden that makes you think you are a badass worthy of praise??
