Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:08 AM

7.6 mi


7:14 mi


63 F


Temp 63 Wind 6 mph.

Medium Long Run with Stuff. End of long crazy week of work, life stuff, and training schedule shuffle. Not going to attempt to push through and bury myself. Looking for some quality volume next couple of days.

Foggy start. Misty rain and sprinkles at finish. Start with about 25:00 minutes of jogging at 8:42 average pace. Six hill sprints in the park, then jog back to the car for liquids. Dressed for the dampness rather than the air temp. Hoping there is no overheating before this is over.

Workout is 3 x 15:00 at AT with 5:00 minute jog intervals. Basically, same workout as last week only not going to attempt to push to HM effort and will run hills on last one instead of finishing on track.

1) Average Pace = 7:05. Out quick, but stride smooth and easy from start. Went ahead and hit a couple of small rollers to keep myself in check.

2) Average Pace = 7:13. Just under 150 feet of inclines and held up at three different intersections. Cardio hit the magic steady state about 5:00 minutes into this one.

3) Average Pace = 7:02. Pushed the inclines more on this one, but maintained smooth and easy stride. Finished along highway near high school. Pulled up to hit lap button on Garmin. Had not even come to a complete stop before spotting a $10 bill in the grass in the median. Cherry on top of my weekend tempo cake.

Honest jogs of 7:47 and 7:46 results in overall total of 55:00 minutes at 7:14 average pace. Exactly the same numbers as last Saturday with what felt like an easier effort.

Cool down by jogging back to the car. 1.22 miles at 8:45 average pace. Quarter, dime, and five pennies to go with my green. $10.40 for my morning's work.
