Run: Easy Previous Next


4:46 AM

2.6 mi


8:57 mi


21 F


Temp 21 (15) Wind 5 mph.

Hill Circuits. Wind calmed down overnight to make a cold morning pleasant (in an invigorating sense). About a 12:00 minute jog over to Orchard School Parking lot. Drills and strides to get primed. Workout is 30 second hill repeats. Run six of them in a traditional Lydiard circuit format. Construction has screwed up the Broadridge hill permanently, so will have to swing left and use Orchard Drive for now on. Easy 10:00 minute jog back to the house when done.

Less than 100% physically...coordination not sharp; but was at least "average". Able to mentally overcome it and get in a productive workout. Quarter and three pennies to boot.
