Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:34 AM

3.4 mi


7:00 mi


68 F
  • Map


Temp 68 Wind 9 mph.

AT Tempo Run (20/24/20 Format on Track). Screwy schedule this week. On a ladder for over three hours in work boots yesterday. Feet trashed and left foot a little puffy. Had to adjust the laces several times before heading out.

Up = 2.43 miles at 8:12 average pace with a few surges included.

Tempo = 3.43 miles at 7:00 flat average pace. Averaged 7:02 for first 12:00 minutes, flipped directions and averaged 6:58 for last 12:00 minutes. Did not look at watch any, but could tell by track positioning at each 4:00 minute alert that pacing was pretty even. Almost all my track AT minutes last couple of weeks have been around 7:00ish. Did not require a whole lot of focus; still, could probably get just as many training benefits at a "track pace" going forward.

Down = 2.25 miles at 8:06 average pace. Short lift session, then back on the ladder.
