Run: Hill Circuits Previous Next


5:32 AM

4.9 mi


8:49 mi


57 F


Temp 57 Wind 9 mph. Humidity 91% Dew Point 57°

Hill Circuit Day. Sort of used the rain as an excuse to be lazy and not get around as quick as planned. Later start time resulted in dancing with more traffic than preferred. Tugs on the focus. Still, a solid session. Warm-up of 20:10 minutes with two surges (2.26 miles). Rain has stopped, roads are still very wet.

Four circuits in 43:30. Stopped a couple of minutes at top of hill first time through to chat with Paul S. Much improvement on staying in control and running efficient on last couple of laps after legs had began to tire. Turnover in all but one of the fast segments topped at sub-6 and most were mid-5s. Never felt gassed.

Cool-down shuffle home of 1.78 miles in 16:49. Another workout in humid, muggy conditions. Hope there is some incidential benefit down the road for my luck of the draw.
