Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:18 AM

3.3 mi


7:18 mi


45 F
  • Map


Temp 45 (42) Wind 5 mph.

Tempo Intervals on Track. This morning less about "training" and more about "rewiring". Jog to track and take two laps to prime with strides. Workout is 2 x 1200 @ 7:05 / 6:59 average paces and 1 x 1600 @ 7:03 average pace. Jog intervals of 300 in between. Last one was also suppose to be a 1200, but old dude pulled up to park at track and distracted me with lights. Lost count of laps. Easy jog home. Lots of temp storage buildings set up around nursing home. Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn cluster...had to literally stop for a few minutes and stare. One penny.
