Run: Easy Previous Next


7:32 AM

1.7 mi


7:57 mi


8 F


Temp 8 (8) Winds Calm.

Easy XC Run. Continue to do the mix-the-stimulus thing until it warms up enough to effectively train again. Icy frigid start, but had started to warm up quick once the sun got above the top of the trees.

On the streets for 0.81 miles at 8:13 average pace. Hop on the HS XC course for 4.48 miles at 7:41 average pace. Only thing worse than running on sweet gum balls and pine cones is running on frozen rock hard sweet gum balls and pine cones. Back through the park and on streets again heading home. 0.84 miles at 7:42 average pace.

Doubting there would have been much recent outdoor activity for any significant payoff. Not a total wash, however, quarter and two pennies.

Hit a solid round of core work following post-run stretch out.
