Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:56 AM

3.5 mi


6:53 mi


32 F
  • Map


Temp 32 (28) Wind 4 mph.

Hour Continuous Run with Tempo. Set it up in a 16/24/16 format which means this dumbass can't count...that's only 56:00 minutes. Didn't realize it until the last alert. Tired, achy, and feel like crap today.

0:00 - 16:00: 1.88 miles at 8:30 average pace.

16:00 - 40:00: 3.49 miles at 6:53 average pace. Rough start with average pace over 7:00 midway. Much better the last twelve to fifteen minutes, but over all, not one of my best efforts.

40:00 - 56:00: 1.85 miles at 8:37 average pace.

Just write this one off as a stinker.
