Run: Easy Previous Next


7:23 AM

5.2 mi


7:49 mi


24 F


Temp 24 Wind 2 mph.

XC Tempo Intervals. All the time in the world today. Can relax, workout, eat good stuff, and watch the Blues game. Up= 2.62 miles at 7:39 average pace.

Workout is 2 x 12:00 XC at HM effort. 4:00 minutes jogs. Thick frost on the grass (but will not be anything like running an entire HM on ice like the real local running warrior likes to do just for "bragging rights"). Tempo intervals = 6:54 and 6:51 average paces. Hilly the first 12:00 and doubled back to make it extra hilly on the second 12:00. Legs felt tight and cold the whole way. Breathing heavy (cold air?). Took a HM effort to run 3/4s effort pace this morning. Did not look at watch, so ran it honest.

Down = 2.54 miles at 7:58 average pace. Maybe not my best performance, but stayed true to target effort and put another nine and a half plus into the volume bucket. Two nickels and ten pennies.
