Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:10 AM

3 mi


7:16 mi


64 F
  • Map


Temp 64 Winds Calm.

AT Tempo Intervals on Track. Day off yesterday as much a mental break as physical. In fact, was a little too fresh physically this morning. Run fueled by last night's supper which included year's first harvest of broccoli and zucchini from garden. Warm up with jog to track and two primer laps.

Tempo = 10:08 minutes @ 7:07 average pace / 1:18 jog interval / 10:00 minutes at 7:12 average pace. Trouble getting turnover and stride length in synch cost focus on aerobic effort. Didn't need to run first one that fast for desired training effect. Finally got it all together last 1K of second tempo interval. Unnecessary beatdown may cost me day at end of running career when get to be 90-something.

Easy jog back to house at 8:57 average pace. One penny.

Folks neglecting to mow their own yards for opportunities to speak out at neighbor betterment meetings...
