Run: Easy Previous Next


4:34 AM

9.5 mi


7:33 mi


71 F


Temp 71 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 91% Dew Point 68°.

20/32/20 AT Run. Another muggy one. Any less oxygen in the air and this place would be uninhabitable. Been a chaotic 36-48 hours. Not as fresh as a typical Tuesday, but been here 100s of times before and all will be well once I hit the streets.

Up = 20:00 minutes at 8:10 average pace. Couple of 100m surges after getting to the track. Lot of vertical lift in my stride this morning. Almost feels like I am hopping at times.

AT = 32:00 minutes at 7:02 average pace. First four minutes on the track, middle twenty-four minutes to the streets and over for ridge loops in The Orchards, and then finished the last four minutes back at the track. Started a little slower until I could re-locate my natural stride. Was in a real good place effort-wise after second lap on the track. Figured if I kept it right here and focused on form, would naturally increase turnover over time, even in the hills. Worked like a charm. First 16:00 minutes at 7:06 average pace, second 16:00 minutes at 6:57 average pace. Another day, another reminder to trust the process and let things work. Slower than some recent runs, but just fine for hills in humidity.

Down = 20:00 minutes at 7:53 average pace.
