Run: Easy Previous Next


4:58 AM

3.9 mi


8:22 mi


53 F


Temp 53 Wind 8 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals. 12/4/12 formant on flat/rolling terrain. Residual heaviness and a couple minor dings from Sunday's run, lift, and manual labor. Had them all worked out within a few minutes.

Up = 2.52 miles at 8:15 average pace with surges here and there along the way.

AT = 12:00 at 7:20 average pace, 4:00 at 8:20 average pace, and 12:00 at 7:19 average pace. Locked in mechanically and aerobically pretty much from the first step. Last 12:00 on auto pilot.

Down = 1.42 miles at 8:34 average pace. Two dimes.
