Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:06 AM

4.8 mi


6:56 mi


36 F
  • Map


Temp 36 (32) Wind 5 mph.

Tempo Intervals. Lots of moonlight. Up = 1.99 miles to the track at 8:05 average pace. Several short surges along the way.

Workout = 1200 / 1200 / 1600 / 2000 with 400 jog intervals. Distance approximate as counting one lap in middle of track as 400 again. Plan to start at HM-15K effort and look to finish at 10K effort. The two 1200s are more for finding today's mark.

1) 1200 - Average Pace = 6:36. Wish I hadn't done that.

2) 1200 - Average Pace = 6:38. Concede negative split to stay in target zone.

3) 1600 - Average Pace = 6:40.

4) 2000 - Average Pace = 6:37. Held serve on effort and able to finish with (mostly) even pacing.

Good quality 30+ minutes at sub-7...nothing like "4 with BK at sub-7", but still pretty good. Flipped directions after #1 and after #3, only checking Garmin at end of each interval. Probably light on volume for a younger runner, but workout just about right for me. Very easy jog home. 1.92 miles at 9:10 average pace. Toes (dangling toenail and blister) hurt at times, but whatever.
