Run: Repeats Previous Next


5:36 AM

2.8 mi


10:46 mi


69 F


Temp 69 Wind 12 mph.

6 x 60 Second Long Hill Repeats. Recovery = jogging back down hill and walking remainder of 4-minute interval. Came out as about a 2-minute jog / 2-minute walk recovery.

Settled on hill on Orchard Drive starting at Broadridge. All up hill, slight grade increase about halfway up, no cross intersections, and do not have to make a turn until near the end (about last 20 meters or so). Workout plan guidance was on hill, not pace or effort. 1st hill repeat workout was suppose to be at just below 1-Mile Effort, i.e. "middle laps". Go with running hard, but under control.

Rep #1 -- Dist 0.18 (5:43 m/m)

Rep #2 -- Dist 0.18 (5:37 m/m)

Rep #3 -- Dist 0.18 (5:47 m/m)

Rep #4 -- Dist 0.19 (5:36 m/m)

Rep #5 -- Dist 0.18 (5:36 m/m)

Rep #6 -- Dist 0.18 (5:47 m/m)

First two felt pretty good, but doing the math, thinking maybe little too hard? (Actually w/ 5:24 mile PR on flat course, these were pretty spot on.) Let up a notch on third. On-coming traffic on #4. Lost focus and stride twice. Ran it hard, but out of control. #5 solid. Oncoming traffic and on-set of fatigue knocked a few seconds off #6.

Overall, not too shabby for first attempt. That head funk I started with went away quick...very quick. Discovered right off the bat, you have to be focused and on-task at all times to execute these. Props to So Cal Pete, you don't have to wait and wonder if this workout is of benefit...see and feel the physical and mental aspects immediately.

Its Anaerorbic-Friday. Weekly weight workout on the legs later this morning or this afternoon.
