Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:09 AM

4.4 mi


7:27 mi


43 F


Temp 43 (38) Wind 3 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals. More borderline awesome weather conditions. Jog to track and take two laps of strides/walks to warm-up and prime.

Interval format = 9:00/3:00. First and last 9:00 on the track, middle 9:00 on hilly streets. Tempo splits -- 7:15 / 7:27 / 7:10 with overall 7:27 for 33:00 minutes total. Moving smoothly from the start. Effort even throughout. Lost some focus while in the hills and let turnover rate slip a couple of times.

Easy back to the house. Better than average workouts starting to accumulate in a base cycle where I'm mostly winging it day to day and week to week.
