Run: Recovery Previous Next


7:16 AM

4.8 mi


7:45 mi


26 F


Temp 26 (15) Wind 13 mph, Gusts to 17 mph.

Recovery Run. No place to hide from the wind today. Legs plyo'ed out (in a good way), left foot stressed out (in a not so good way). Foot felt better after a few minutes, but will go ahead and ice as a precaution. First Saturday morning run through downtown and park gets things off to a roaring start for 2014 -- Two quarters, three dimes, a nickel, and nineteen pennies ($1.04).

Spooky seeing OU drop 'Bama, but Mizzou redeems SEC. Interesting trivia. SEC has won 10 of last 11 Cotton Bowls, all against Big 12. Only Big 12 winner...Mizzou.
