Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:09 AM

4.2 mi


7:49 mi


54 F


Temp 54 Wind 2 mph.

Hilly AT Tempo Intervals. Enough progressive overload on week's other workouts, will basically repeat last Friday. Exceptions being 0:30/2:30 walk/run intervals versus 1:00/2:00.

Walk for a while before jogging last 1.31 miles to the track. One lap of strides and walk recoveries to prime.

Average paces on ATs = 7:30 / 7:36 / 7:27. Second one as bad as numbers indicate. Settle in, get going too fast, get sloppy, slow down to get back under control, then screw it up again. Extra traffic-dancing added more distraction.

Jog a 1.79 mile route back to the house.
