Run: Long Previous Next


4:45 AM

3.8 mi


9:08 mi


69 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 69 Wind 12 mph. Humidity 83% Dew Point 67°.

(Time on Feet) Long Run. Muggy again, but the breeze is very nice. Jog for 20:00+ minutes down to the park. Six hill sprints on Russell/Cascade. Another 15:00ish jogging back to the house. Change shoes, drop the cotton tee, and grab some water.

Back out on the town for another 90:00 minutes. Average 8:27 over 1000+ of inclines. Last three full miles all at 8:14. Last 0.64 at 8:09. Four quarters, three dimes, and thirteen pennies.
