Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:28 AM

3.7 mi


7:30 mi


32 F
  • Map


Temp 32 Winds Calm.

AT Tempo Intervals on Track. Nice, brisk running weather. Jog over to the track and take two laps of surges on the straights to prime.

Workout will be 2 x 12:00 minutes (my approximate two mile time) with a 3:00 minute jog interval. Six laps in middle/outside lanes, one AT effort in each direction, with focus on staying strict and mentally engaged for full 12:00 minutes. Overall average of 7:30 with AT splits of 12:32 (7:24) and 12:31 (7:25). Grade myself a "B" this morning. Was getting locked in and too comfortable, then losing focus on 4th, 5th lap.

Easy jog back to the house. Super-size full moon lit up a penny on Broadridge Drive on the jog over.
