Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:06 AM

5.1 mi


6:52 mi


29 F


Temp 29 (20) Wind 9 mph.

Tempo Run. Warm-up = 2.48 miles in 20:00.

Ten reps of "Tempo Minutes" on the track. Last four more even than first six. Still learning. 2.91 miles. Average pace for 20:00 minutes = 6:53. Directly into continuous 15:00 minute tempo run. Hit long climbs on West Lane and Oak Street in first 8:00 minutes, then finished on streets outside City Park. Covered 2.19 miles for 6:51 average pace. Bit of a sophomore jinx doing this workout...few seconds off pace; however, five extra minutes, more climbing, and weather not as favorable as first try. All in all, still a good workout.

Cool-down = 2.27 miles in 18:50. Pass National Championship XC teammate Paul S. doing his recovery run. Gives me some grief about running in shorts this morning.
