Run: Easy Previous Next


4:27 AM

10.1 mi


9:20 mi


73 F


Temp 73 Winds Calm. Humidity 100% Dew Point 73°.

Easy Ten. Conditions not fit for man or beast, so its just me, a couple of walkers and the geese today. Even the HP parking lot is only half full.

Twelve hours post-run yesterday and seriously considering knocking volume on this one down about 10%-20%. Things turned around quickly after that and woke up feeling normal, if not better. Still adjusted effort for conditions. Only bringing 9:20s, but with 3.5% adjustment (per Coach Hadley's MPR), these equate to 9:00 flat; spot on for desired training effect.

Weather Channel forecast was for 5% chance of rain. Found that cloud for most of first hour. Rolled mostly hills for first four, then hopped on Hubble Creek Valley loop to finish off before heading home. Ran for free.
