Run: Easy Previous Next


4:50 AM

3.9 mi


8:10 mi


31 F


Temp 31 (26) Wind 5 mph.

Race Prep: 60-Second Hill Repeats. Feel like crap from the waist up. Legs are great. Thought last Tuesday would be my last sub-32° run...I was wrong. Warm-up jogging with two surges. 2.63 miles / 21:13 minutes.

Workout is 5 x 60 second hill repeats. Broadridge closed to south-bound traffic, so will get to use my old hill again. Will do first one to remind myself of grade and reestablish target finish line, then four "real" ones. Second one better than first one, and last three pretty darn good. Several drivers ignore street signs and meet head on traffic on first and last rep (in single lane on #5) going up and have to dodge another vehicle on jog down on fourth rep. Really pissed by the end..."Road is CLOSED, @$$hole! Yeah, I know you heard me, your window is down and you are giving me a dirty look. Get out and do something about it, prick!"

Short cool-down jog straight home. 1.24 miles / 10:23 minutes. Lot of other runners out this morning.
