Run: Recovery Previous Next


8:09 AM

3.4 mi


8:33 mi


71 F


Temp 71 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 84% Dew Point 71 degrees.

Recovery Run. Mugger. Looking and feeling like rain. Mowed and stayed in motion most of Sunday. Hardly any soreness today; however, onset of muscle fatigue came a tad sooner. Think shoes are about shot. Stride still a bit hard and uneven at times after week on TM. Did start to stretch out late and mile splits reflected this: 8:37 / 8:37 / 8:27 / 8:23 for last 0.43. Should be much better after interval session tomorrow...16 x 400 @ 5K/10K with 100 recovery jogs...geeze, Pete!!

Had enough "training" yesterday, so put off upper body weight session until post-run today. As good as it gets. Felt muscles working through every inch of motions. Sparks coming off contractions at top of movements.
