Run: Easy Previous Next


4:32 AM

3.1 mi


9:01 mi


62 F


Temp 62 Wind 6 mph.

40:00 Minutes @ 50K Effort. Wanting to do most of this on the track to save the legs for highest volume week of the cycle. Also want the challenge of getting out at the correct effort and settling in by feel with a few variables in the mix. Will start at the park and run roads and hills in the dark for about 15:00-20:00 minutes before hopping on the track.

Abbreviated warm up. 1.57 miles down to the park with a few short pickups.

1) First 1.11 miles at 7:50 average pace. Looping the park on flat/rolling streets. Out a couple ticks quick, but back under control quickly.

2) Oak Street hills over to the track. 1.38 miles at 7:51 average pace. About 20:00 minutes in and moving smooth and relaxed at 7:50ish.

3) Six laps, flip it, and six more to finish. Was averaging 7:47 pace on track at flip. Finished with 7:47 overall. All done with 7:48 average overall for 5.27 miles. Went a little overtime.

Easy 1.51 mile jog straight back to the house. Average pace 9:29.
