Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:18 AM

3.6 mi


6:56 mi


79 F
  • Map


Temp 79 (84) Wind 2 mph. Humidity 75% Dew Point 71°.

Track Intervals. Jog over to track at 8:04 average pace alternating increasing turnover and stretching out stride. Hit a short surge up a small incline, then, once on the track, took a lap walking the turns and striding the straights.

Workout is 5 x 800 (2 laps) with 400 (1 lap) jogs. Was "on" today despite nasty conditions. Running mostly in lane 2, veering into lanes 1 and 3 when necessary to stay under control.

#1) 6:23 average pace.

#2) 6:16 average pace.

#3) 6:17 average pace.

#4) 6:18 average pace.

#5) 6:17 average pace.

Average paces on jog intervals = 8:27 / 8:26 / 8:27 / 8:27.

Wasn't going to count #1, so did not bother to check watch afterward. The rest all had a good controlled 10K/5K effort feel to them. Very encouraged with the numbers, especially in such muggy conditions. Did take in quite a bit of fuel running through a swam of gnats every lap. May have got close to 20-25 grams of protein during workout.

Very easy jog home at 8:58 average pace. Being careful since I was unsure of my hydration level.
