Run: Easy Previous Next


4:38 AM

4.2 mi


9:07 mi


62 F


Temp 62 Wind 17 mph. Gusts to 24 mph.

Warm-up and cool-down for Interval Workout. Got lucky and missed the rain. Wind must have blown it to Illinois.

2.25 mile warm-up in 20:10. Two striders into the wind at the end. Topping 5:4Xs. Some more stretching.

1.92 mile cool-down in 17:48 after more stretching and few ounces of water.

Picking up missed weight workouts from weekend. Core exercises and tricep work last night. More core exercises and biceps tonight. Been doing above average with overall diet and great about getting glycerol back in the system immediately after hard workouts. Feeling much stronger, seem to be recovering quicker, and starting to lean out even more so than normal.
