Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:09 AM

4.5 mi


7:20 mi


Temp 62 Wind 8 mph. Humidity 82% Dew Point 56°.

AT Tempo Intervals on Flat / Rolling. Cooler morning, will have to be careful not to fly out of the shoes and get off task. Short, brisk warm up down to the park with a couple of surges. 1.51 miles at 8:19 average pace.

Workout = 3 x 9:00 On / 3:00 Off. Running figure 8s on a about a 1.25 mile park loop. Average paces on AT intervals = 7:15 / 7:05 / 7:15. First and last one had extra incline and a lot of headwind. Middle one almost all flat and a lot of tailwind. Other than managing some lower back fatigue and tip-toeing through some dark patches, smooth and easy. More minutes in good spots than in rough spots. Overall average with jog intervals a productive 7:20 for over half an hour.

Down = 1.75 mile jog back to the house with a neighborhood detour. Average pace 8:23. Two pennies.
