Run: Easy Previous Next


4:37 AM

8.1 mi


7:47 mi


59 F


Temp 59 Wind 7 mph.

20/20/20 AT Run. Early start to beat the heavy stuff. Sprinkles to steady rain first half, then quit until I was walking up to driveway. Better today, but yesterday felt like there was a burr in my GI system. No idea what, why, or how?

Up = 2.43 miles at 8:16 average pace. Two surges. Smooth warm-up, but not especially brisk.

AT = 3.20 miles at 7:03 average pace. Planned on 50/50 track and hills, but gate was locked? Too dark to see if they were resurfacing or what. Ended running The Orchards, back over to neighborhood (hills) and then finishing on flat/rolling. Messed up my watch blindly punching buttons to record splits and ended up running an extra 2:37.

Hills = 2.09 miles at 7:04 average pace. Flat / Rolling = 1.11 miles at 7:02 average pace.

Down = 2.43 miles at 8:15 average pace. Solid and focused run. Good start to new week.
