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4:53 AM

3.3 mi


8:39 mi


70 F


Temp 70 Winds Calm. Humidity 90% Dew Point 67°.

Fast Twitch / Turnover Day. Warm up jogging of 2.04 miles at 8:45 average pace. Workout begins with six hill sprints. Finish up with just over two miles of farklet intervals...not the 1:00 minute on, one minute off or 12 x 400 "farklet" intervals a lot of the local badasses like to do to sound cool...real see-something-and-run-fast-to-it farklet intervals. Distances ranged from 40 to 200+ meters, inclines, declines, few "S" curves for tangent practice, etc. Another 1.21 miles of cool down jogging at 8:27 average pace. Three dimes, a nickel, and eight pennies.

Right foot, lower leg, and even sometimes knee, was barking again by late morning yesterday. Tried wearing different shoes to no help. Finally gave up and walked around in sock feet. Felt much better. Fine again today once I got to moving (good thing). Still, may just go ahead a pop a squat tomorrow and let some the anger subside.
