Run: Easy Previous Next


4:39 AM

3.7 mi


9:38 mi


38 F


Temp 38 (33) Wind 9 mph.

VO2 Day and wake up with some physical and external issues. Not going to bitch, try not to dwell, and go out and take whatever is there. Warm-up of 2.12 miles in 20:25. Three surges, started them earlier and spread them out.

Workout is 5 x 4:00 Minutes @ 5K/10K Effort w/ 2:00 Minute Jog Intervals. First two with hills, the rest with rolling terrain, and the last one has about a minute with the wind at my back to finish. Staying in the neighborhood in case I have to abort. 7:07 / 6:50 / 6:48 / 6:51 / 6:40. Legs will not fire. Like dragging a tractor wheel behind me the whole way. Made sure to at least hold form.

Cool-down jog of 1.55 miles in 14:53.
